Local & States election winners, Parents of Prophets, Fields of Bones w/b found

5 years ago

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zelle app: mariespeaks009@gmail.com
This channel is a Bible Study.
We review book by book, verse by verse.
I enjoy readying and studying the Bible.
I have found that through growing in my relationship with Our Father El Elohiym Elyon Yahweh in Heaven, through His begotten Son Yahusha Ha'Mashiach Jesus Christ, lead by the Holy Spirit Ruach Yahuah; my life has been beyond blessed.
When I was lost I asked God how I could serve Him.
God told me: read My Bible, Study My Bible, and Share my Bible. When I was in the desert I promised God when He brought me through I would serve Him with my whole heart. This Bible study is just the start.
Blessings. Marie .
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Instagram mariespeaks.godsgrace
Twitter @MarieSpeaks009

Blessings, Marie

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