The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 239 - Final Warning!

2 years ago

In this video i’m issuing a Final Warning to all those who remain un-injected with the Covid 19 genetic Bio-Weapon, which is NOT a vaccine. Six months ago i released Video message No.203 titled, “How It All Ends.” I basically laid out the final scenario of what will happen in the last days of this age according to scripture. Six weeks after that i released Video No.209 titled “Final Weapon” detailing how the Beast United Nations Empire would weaponize the INJECTED majority who are now citizens of the New World Order and incite them against the unvaxxed minority who remain FREE! This is also according to Jesus warning in John 16:2, which says, “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yes, the time is coming, that whoever kills you will think that he is doing God service.” People have told me that they were asked to leave their church because they were unvaxxed and they spoke out against it. The Roman Catholic Cult has NOT stopped killing Christians for 17 centuries because they refused to denounce Christ and join the Roman religion. Five weeks after No.209 i released Video No.214 titled, “Final Solution” which details the arrival and rolling out of the final instalment of the Mark of The Beast INJECTION SERIES. This is called the Universal Vaccine Patch or UVP. It is a painless Micro-Needle PATCH which will be applied to the Forehead or Right Hand of all those who have received 2 or more INJECTIONS. I detail this in Video No.221 titled MOTB or Mark Of The Beast.

Learn more at:

How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

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