God vs. abortion

4 years ago

Many people think that a baby in the womb is not actually a human being or an unborn baby does not have a full human value or right.But the question boils down to this, when does the human life begin? Who decides the value of life or the time life of a human being starts? If man decides when life begins can also human decide when life ends? The excuses for abortion are: This was not may plan, or I'm not ready for this, or this will interfere with my plans, school or job, etc. What if you have an old parent or grandparent that need care, can we simply take their lives and use the same excuses? The God of the Bible is very clear about when human life begins and Bible is filled with examples and instances where God defends the unborn and considers it murder to kill a baby. If you had an abortion in the past and you realize it was a mistake to abort the baby, God's loving arm is open to embrace you and forgive you if you repent. Almost all women who commit abortion deal with guilt for the rest of their lives. If you think about doing an abortion, please stop and think, what does God say. Maybe God led you to this video to change your mind. The Bible says: The fruit of the womb is a gift from the Lord." Psalm 127:3. Unfortunately abortion has become a political talking point and almost has become a business.Planned Parenthood receives $500,000,000.00 for the government annually and beside that, they charge women who visit their offices for abortion, then the same planned parenthood donates to politicians who support abortion and therefore the politicians have to support abortion to get the money, the same politicians advocate for planned parenthood to give them money in the name of "women's healthcare" because the money come backs to them later in campaign trails. Remember that satan is lair. He comes you to do something that is wrong and he gives you thousands reasons and excuses to do it, but once you do it, the same satin comes and shame you and mock you. God is the author of life and He decides when life begins, life begins at the moment of conception. So say no to the devil, keep the baby and God will give you extra Grace to raise the baby and also many couples who don't have baby will gladly adopt the baby. So let's promote life and adoption instead of death and abortion. God loves you and has a plan for you. He can turn that which the devil meant for evil for good. remember that a human being is not a clot of meat or fetus, a human being is consisted of spirit, soul and body.

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