Hot Stepper Motor fix marlin 2.0 Trinamic TMC2209 TMC2208 Extruder How to set current repair

4 years ago

When I upgraded my drivers to TMC2209 drivers I forgot to turn down the extuder motor current. I'm running a direct drive with a pancake stepper. The pancake motors usually like between 450 to 500 milliamps. You want it warm but not blazing hot. A hot stepper with transfer heat and throw off your Z offsets. There is a few different ways you can control current. If you have Trinamic drivers in RT or SPI mode you can change it from the LCD or issue a M906 T0 E500 from the console. If you don't have your drivers in serial mode then you have to use the manual trimmer pot on the driver or compile the firmware in Marlin.

Trinamic 2209 drivers

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