Elsa the greyhounds emergency surgery

4 years ago

Elsa was injured running through an opening with another dog. The edge of the gate has metal protrusions and it caused a deep cut to her side that damaged her muscle.
We took her to an emergency vet around 8pm as all the regular vet clinics had closed. They quoted $2000 to operate on her. They do not issue accounts and will only administer treatment for what you are able to pay on the spot.
She had one pain shot, an anti-inflammatory, local anaesthetic cream, we could here her yelping and crying at times while they worked on her.
They stapled part of the wound, but there was an open part left that required surgery. They endeavoured to all they could for the money we had at our fingertips and it cost $450.
By the morning her bandage was soaked with blood.
Elsa went to a local vet this morning after a restless night and they gave us an estimate of $700 for the complete surgery, including some blood tests. Although I don't have the money on hand, I cannot leave her like this.
So I'm now desperate to get financial help while she is at the vet and waiting/having/has had surgery.
We have been hit with many vet bills of late totalling over $5000.
Any help is appreciated.

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