Future of business - Community based selling

1 year ago

Have you also considered this?

Okay Adem Manderovic il bite.

Selling into communities of people is something for those of you that follow my content, tips or maybe have jumped on a consultancy call know I bang on about.

Why? Because they already believe what you believe.

Justin Welsh recently posted with reflect to the importance of layering comments on your key target audience (prospects) and how to be seen at that level when perhaps you aren’t. He is 💯 this will help you grow in those arenas.

But have you also considered, another list of communities in addition to my tips on podcasts, WhatsApp Slack that believe what you believe are the posts likes and comments of posts similar to solving your problems or robust discussions pertaining to it?

George Suarez and I actually discussed this recently. Those that haven’t checked out the power of Opnbx.ai you really should.

Again, hoping it doesn’t take the brain power of Nikola Tesla here to ascertain next steps.

Demand + Outbound actions = Revenue

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