Trinamic Skipping Steps Layer Shift Check Your Stepper Driver Current Marlin 2.0

4 years ago

I recently upgraded my SKR 1.4 board to the latest version of Marlin 2.0 and forgot to adjust my current settings. For a week I was getting all kinds or Layer Shifts. The larger the stepper the more current it needs. I have 34MM steppers on my X and Z axis and they do fine with 800 Milliamps. My Larger 48MM Y stepper likes 1200 Milliamps. My pancake extruder likes 450-600 milliamps. The trick is not over current the stepper and provide enough where you don't skip step. Its inevitable that you hot end nozzle will hit your prints. You need to make sure you stepper has enough torque to overcome the force.

Trinamic 2209 Drivers I Use

SKR 1.4 Board

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