Iraqi protesters storm parliament, Green Zone to reject nomination of new PM

1 year ago

Hundreds of angry protesters loyal to the powerful nationalist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr broke into Baghdad's heavily protected Green Zone on Wednesday, denouncing the nomination of a new prime minister.

Mohammed Shiya al-Sudani was formally nominated to lead the country on Monday by the Coordination Framework, the largest Shiite alliance in the Iraqi parliament.

His nomination followed the mass resignation of al-Sadr's parliamentary bloc, a group of over 70 lawmakers who withdrew from the governing body last month in an apparent show of force after months of political stalemate.

On Monday, the Coordination Framework, a coalition of Shia parties close to Iran, nominated Mohammed al-Sudani as the prime minister.

Al-Sudani’s nomination is opposed by firebrand Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose party won the last year’s general elections.

The Iraqi parliament is scheduled to hold a session within days to elect a new president from among 25 candidates. This move is necessary to officially assign a new prime minister.

Al-Sudani's nomination is expected to be approved by the parliament after the withdrawal of al-Sadr’s parliamentary bloc from the assembly in June.

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