5 years ago

👉DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION 👈that you'd like to ask me directly? If so, tune in this Sunday, Feb 16, at 7pm EST for a live stream Q&A session!

I'll start off by answering some questions from the comments section of recent videos and then we'll open it up to live questions.

Got a question about gold? Buying a house? The next recession? The Fed? My investment strategies? Or maybe my favorite band? (Guns N Roses) ;) If you've got a question, whatever it is...I'm going to give you answer!!

In this LIVE Q&A I'm going to help YOU build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments!

Join Rick Rule in Vancouver, July 21-24, 2020, as he and his experienced team present the world’s top minds in finance, economics and natural resource investing at the Sprott Natural Resource Symposium.👇

George Gammon Affiliate Link:

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