Embrace the Struggle

1 year ago

Embrace the struggle.
💣Instant gratification culture has us placing value on that which is cheap and easy while we miss the gold that is mined through adversity.
💣"Participation Trophy" culture has devalued the results of hard work and sacrifice and elevates those who do not deserve the same alcolades as those who push through the fire.
💣Entitlement has us running for shelter, and in today's times, running into the hands of the government to be our "lord and savior".
💣We brought this"great reset " on ourselves by accepting the soft, comfortable, cushy life and neglecting the real rewards that come with the pain.
💣It's time to "put up or shut up".
💣Embrace what is real and discover true unity and solidarity through our collective struggle for freedom.
💣No one is coming to save us.
💣We're all we got.
Don't forget to listen to the latest episode of my podcast "The No Spoon Podcast"...link in bio
#adversity #struggle #sacrifice #pain #determination #thegreatreset #klausschwab #worldeconomicforum #oneworldgovernment #newworldorder #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #freedom #liberty #independance

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