The WORST Health Statistic That I See So Often UNTOLD | NITA Health Podcast

4 years ago

Other than death, of course... THIS statistic I see as often the greatest side effect of many causes. It isn't cancer or people getting sick either...
Lack of sleep and lack of water intake, lack of nutrition of course is included and involved. However it evolves to THIS, ultimately: human survival compromised.
Stay tuned for more podcasts like this, experimenting upon the content and speaking my heart for what I see must be said or delivered in different ways! What are your thoughts?
There are many great people in this world, I'm not alone, we all have great purpose and potential; first know that you do, and then know you can HEAL in ALL conditions; there are simply requirements to fulfill.
If we look deep enough, we may find anything; and it could start to mean everything. Connect the dots, and I shall help as the Vata-body type that I am in bringing different creativity and ideas into the mix.
To be honest ALL "Statist"-ics are often left-brain, scientism at best. Nature has the real statistics.
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Tags: nita, nature is the answer, health, technology, media, news, latest, breakthrough, groundbreaking, help, poetry, message, passion, nature, universal, law, meaning of life, reasoning, understanding, natural law, mark passio, meaningful, poetry, writing, not care, not listen, underrated, perception, truth, passion, being, confusion, mass media, most healing, to do, worst health statistic, untold, unseen
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