The bees worked hard to build the hive, and finally they decided that the hexagon was the best fit

2 years ago

Imagining for a minute that all bees had to attend architecture academy
and go to math class Let's say they asked their geometry teacher,What shape would give us the most space to store our honey,but require the least amount of wax?And then geometry teacher replied,The shape that you're seeking is the circle.Leaving the bees to return to their trial construction site and begin building their honeycomb using circular cells.After a while, some of them might have noticed a problem with their design small gaps between the cells.We can't even fit in there! That's wasted space!they might have thought.So, ignoring the geometry lesson,and taking matters into their own hands,the bees went back to the drawing board to rethink their beehive suggested triangles,We can use triangles. Look! They fit together perfectly.Another bee suggested squares.Finally, a third bee piped up and said,Pentagons don't seem to work, but hexagons do!We want the one that will use the least amount of wax .and be able to store the most amount of honey.Yes, I think that's the hexagon.

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