The beehive has many uses for breeding and storing honey

2 years ago

why do honeybees choose this one?To understand, you need
to think like a bee Bees need a secure place for their entire colony to live.Similarly, there needs to be a place where their nectar can
be stored and ripened suitably until it turns into honey.
That means there's a need for some serious space efficiency.A good solution is to build little storage units, or cells,just big enough for a bee to fit into,which can also double as the containers in which nectar is stored:The bees' very own honey jars.The next thing, is to decide what the little cells should be made out of.Bees don't have beaks or arms to pick up things,but they are capable of producing wax.The thing is, producing it
is a lot of hard work.Bees have to consume 8 ounces of honey to produce just 1 ounce of wax.So they don't want to waste it.So, they need a design that allows them to store the largest possible amount of honey using the least amount of wax.

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