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Sam Adams - Parents of Heroes: Raising Godly Children

3 years ago

To -train up a child in the way he should go- -Proverbs 22-6, so that -when he is old he will not depart from it-- does not mean to educate, teach, discipline or chasten your children. As important as those things are, the word here translated -train up- means to DEDICATE -- to CONSECRATE your children back to the Lord to serve Him. Our primary goal must be to produce godly children who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and Lord and who therefore obey their parents out of their fear of God - not out of their fear of their parents.

Odysee page: https://odysee.com/@ibc:82

Pastor Sam Adams YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjyizps9SGzi8nqvW3diuQ

Pastor Adams Sermon Audio:

Church Website: http://www.independencebaptist.com

Church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IBCOcala/posts/?ref=page_internal

Pastor's Email:


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