The Power Of The Wise Woman Crone!

4 years ago

Are we to believe that "old" people are the ones who listen to the young? Because our elders today are so medicated, so drugged down and so tired, in so much pain, so forgetful. Was this done to us or is this natural?

I am 58, I will be precisely 63 entering my 9th Moon in July of 2024 as we re-enter the Age of Woman once again! The Elders are precious those few of us who navigated in ways that were truly rare and who have sacred Medicine to offer the whole! Why? Because we invested wisely in our time, energy, travel, learning, sought out mentors, unhoused people with dynamic wisdom! Courses, 100s of books, college courses to satisfy the spirit, not for the paper!

But who's listening to us? And, why are they not listening? What is the program and where did it come from this way of today? Tell a Vision (TV) the constant change of the system to make elders most often "olders" out of date with technology (trick knowledge) so that they appear stupid? So that they cannot do the basic math that we all once understood?

I have disciplined myself, walked the walk and still we live where a few nuggets of sensationalized jargon and children "divas" prevail? How is that we have come to be so tricked?

Older Women, which are actually still the babies compared to how long we used to live before your lives were so shortened were the true Guides, they oversaw that ALL the children were cared for, the sick nurtured and the Ancients lovingly tended to! But today, we just keep it moving, expiring early, rudeness and shortness, 'busy' and envy are predominant on the plantation. It's time for change, but this time it's time for real change! If not, disaster is a certainty. It's in the makings with the ways of today, hypersexual, selling whatever one can, the filth on the TV, the drugs being peddled and we must look at it to see where we have been and determine where we are going!

Together, we rise!

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