E Shape Barre Chords | Tips And Tricks | Gene Petty

4 years ago

This E Shape Barre Chords tips and tricks video teaches you how to “sneak in” to learning the fingering. Also spelled "Bar" Chord, there are other shapes based on A, G and D. This is good in that it takes just a little bit of guitar fingerboard imagination to realize that any chord played with open strings can be barred with the first finger acting as a human capo.
To complicate matters more,(and remember "complicate" here is a good word) every general barre chord shape will contain Minors, Minor 7ths, and a relatable dominant 7th chord.
For instance: the Barre chord E shape will give you E major, E Minor, E minor 7th and E 7th without any extra strain.
Not only will this video cover the Barre chord E shape with all its correlatives, it will show a step by step method that will allow you to at first "fake" the chord while you gradually learn to lean into it.
Barre Chord E Shape
The Barre chord e shape is not the only barre chord shape there is. Also spelled "Bar" Chord, there are other shapes based on A, G and D. This is good in that it takes just a little bit of guitar fingerboard imagination to realize that any chord played with open strings can be barred with the first finger acting as a human capo. To complicate matters more,(and remember "complicate" here is a good word) every general barre chord shape will contain Minors, Minor 7ths, and a relatable dominant 7th chord. For instance: the Barre chord E shape will give you E major, E Minor, E minor 7th and E 7th without any extra strain. Not only will this video cover the Barre chord E shape with all its correlatives, it will show a step by step method that will allow you to at first "fake" the chord while you gradually learn to lean into it.

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