Meditation Benefits

1 year ago

Is your mind like a monkey. Jumping about everywhere and never sitting still?

Do you know meditation promotes mental balance by controlling the 'monkey mind'?

Many people do not try meditation because it takes practise, but it is totally normal for the monkey to start swinging during meditation!

What Are Meditation Benefits?

Better focus and concentration

Improved self-esteem

Lower blood pressure

Improved circulation

Builds resilience to pain

Better memory and sleep

Reduces depression

Regulates anxiety and mood disorders

Reduces stress

The beautiful part about all of this is, it requires no equipment and no money. You can do it anytime, anyplace or anywhere.

How To Meditate?

Make sure you give yourself some quiet time away from phones, children, etc.

You can either sit or lay down comfortably.

Focus your attention on one thing. (You can concentrate on your breathing as you inhale deeply).

In through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

Keep concentrating on your breathing and if your mind wanders, just bring it back to your breathing.

In and out, noticing your body relaxing.

If the monkey starts jumping, simply notice it, and then focus back to your breath.

The more you practice, the easier it will become.

Studies have shown that meditation improves self-image and self-worth.

When you meditate, you get a clear picture of your mind and become aware of the thoughts that drive your emotions and actions in the moment.

This helps you manifest what you want you want in your life.

Once you can get into this state you will start noticing your limiting beliefs and emotions that hold you back in life.

Give this a go and if you need help with this, reach out for a one on one session.

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