Fallen King - Part 3 - Pastor Jason Henderson

4 years ago

Main text: 1 Samuel 13:1-14

4 Characteristics Led to King Saul’s Demise:
- Prideful Ego (1-4)
- Irreverent Attitude (5-9)
- Deceptive Spirit (10-12)
- Foolish Heart (13-15)

3 Problems Saul’s Irreverent Attitude Caused:
Only priests were able to offer sacrifices to the Lord.
Only Samuel was to convey God’s plans for Israel.
Only God was to be trusted to give the victory.


When life gets stressful, look upward, not outward.
When a decision needs to be made, make prayer a priority & wait for God to answer.
Taking Spiritual matters into our own hands & choices could cost us more than we realize.
1 Chronicles 26:16-21

God is still speaking, are you listening?

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