EP 141 | The U.S. Air Force Academy Fires Champion Coach and Gold Star Widow

2 years ago

My fellow Airmen and citizens, our Air Force is dangerously corrupt from the top down. Religious exemptions for the COVID vaccine have been denied at the direction of no less than the Secretary of the Air Force himself. The highest-level commanders refuse to acknowledge the facts about the vaccine or to allow any religious exemptions even though their Chaplains are confirming almost all of them as deeply held and real. The Superintendent of the Air Force Academy is Lt General Rich Clark and he has refused to listen to these exemptions and has denied the facts we now know about the vaccine’s adverse reactions all in the name of force readiness, even when we now know that force readiness is at risk from these adverse reaction possibilities while the efficacy of the vaccines is nearly zero in preventing infection or transmission. Clark even attempted to keep four seniors from graduating this year, threatening them with disciplinary actions and that they would have to repay the government for their education, just because their religious beliefs precluded them from accepting this vaccine. These actions are unconscionable and a failure of his leadership. In the Air Force I served in, he would resign after approving all these religious exemptions to protect those he is responsible for. Sadly, that Air Force no longer exists and the one standing now is politicized and corrupt, so Clark chooses to take even more despicable actions against people he is charged to protect. After Dana Lyon's husband was killed in action in 2013, the U.S. Air Force Academy offered her a track and field coaching position with “promises to take care of her.” Instead, the Air Force Academy terminated Ms. Lyon.

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