Supreme Court of Pakistan decides Pervez Elahi to be Chief Minister of Punjab

1 year ago

In a hotly contested election for CM Punjab, Pervez Elahi of Pakistan Muslim League (Q) had won the majority vote on 22 July, scoring 186 votes in a house of 371. However, Deputy Speaker Mr Mazari rejected 10 votes and declared Hamza Shehbaz as CM Punjab who had scored 179 votes.

Pervez Elahi lodged an immediate petition with the Supreme Court which, on 26 July, overturned ruling of Deputy Speaker and declared Pervez Elahi as genuine winner. Pervez Elahi is supported by Imran Khan's Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) which is majority party in Punjab Assembly.

Having lost in Punjab which is largest province of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif's government is now confined to Islamabad only.

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