1937, CASTLE FILMS, NEWS PARADE, news film clips from around the world

2 years ago

The Spanish Rebellion is devastating cities and towns in Spain and is a concern to many Nations throughout the World.
The worst cloudburst in 27 years occurred in London England resulting in many floods.
In the United States storms and the resulting floods render thousands homeless.
The newly crowned Monarch George VI reviews Britain's Navy.
In Texas 450 people loose their lives when a natural gas explosion demolishes the New London School in the town of the same name.
The United States industrial production is halted during labor strikes as workers lose millions of dollars when the Government condones a "sit down" labor war.
The oil pioneer and philanthropist John D Rockefeller Sr. dies at 97 years old just one month shy of his goal to live to be 100 years old.
The last film taken of the most famous female aviator and what will be one of the true mysteries of the age is the disappearance of Amelia Earhart who vanished while attempting to circle the globe in her Lockheed Model 10 Electra airplane.
The first scene in this clip is a Sikorsky S-40 clipper ship but the story is about the giant Imperil Airways, Short S23 Empire Flying Boat G-ADHM Caledonia and others out of London that are making flights from London to New York in 24 hours commonplace, true trail blazers of in New and Old World service.
The Soviets are also in aviation news here as three attempt to break a world distance record with a Transpolar Flight from Moscow to Vancouver Washington via the North Pole. The three Russian flyers are Alexander Beliakoff, Valeri Chkaloff and Gcorgi Baidukofl.
In 1937 ex KKK Klansman Hugo Black was nominated to the Supreme Court by Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The World's largest span at the time links Golden Gate City and the East Bay area with a 77 million dollar bridge.
Japan Invades China, citizens of both cities, Shanghai and Nanking are terrorized by Fierce air raids.
In the hands of these five men rests the destiny of the world, Mikado of Japan, Stalin Soviet Union, Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy and Roosevelt in the United States of America.

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