Ep. 2 "Single Shaming" You've either experienced it or been guilty of it!

5 years ago

With a Ph.D. in psychology and 27 years on the dating scene, Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell brings life experience and academic acumen to her philosophy on love and relationships.
In episode two, DR. Karin discusses the notion of "singlism" and how many of us experience -or are guilty of - "single shaming" without even realizing it! She gets personal sharing a story from her single days and explains how the "single shaming" she experienced led her to write her book, Single is The New Black: Don't Wear White 'Til It's Right, as a word of empowerment and encouragement to singles who have the guts to go it alone despite the "single shaming" they encounter!

Website: http://loveandlifemedia.com/
Instagram: @dr.karin

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Single is the New Black - Audiobook
Audible: smarturl.it/SITNB-Audible
iTunes: smarturl.it/SITNB-iTunes

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