NEASA files a new application to the High Court to have the 'New Code of Practice' set aside

2 years ago

The Mandatory Vaccine Dilemma: Support NEASA’s #FREEDOM! campaign – Visit and support NEASA and its promotion of freedom and social
responsibility. #covid #mandates

It is time for Covid-19 to be confined to the history books. After Government’s introduction of the
Code of Practice: Managing Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in the Workplace in April 2022, NEASA lodged
an application in the High Court to set it aside. In June, the Minister of Labour admitted that his
actions were unlawful, but within days issued the exact same code, this time under the auspices of
NEDLAC. This compelled NEASA to bring a new application in the High Court. We foresee that we will
be ready to file this application within a matter of days.

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