Dawgs of War Radio (AM Band) - Tuesday - 26JUL22

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Trying a new format tonight. New hours in the description box.

On the plains of hesitation, lay the blackened bones of the countless thousands, who, at the Dawn of Victory, sat down to rest.

I am on more than one Mission:
1) To keep the Enlightened Informed.
2) To Enlighten the Uninformed.
3) To promote the Truth, even if it is Uncomfortable.
4) Provide entertainment along the way.
5) And regular reminders of various things like:
a) Historically relevant material.
b) Random related facts that have been mentioned before.
c) Salty Cracker agrees, “Rumble is the way of the future.”

My Streaming Schedule is: Tues/Thur/Sat 4pm-11pm EDT

On Rumble & Pilled.ned: (Watch for an expanding schedule)
Wage Warr Scheduled is: Su/W/F 4pm-?? EDT

How to find us on the interwebs:

For contributions to my LBRY account:

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