1 year ago



All the worlds false religions and doctrines of demons.

That honor and worship the beast/the god of the old testament , who is truly the devil in disguise.

Are now, and for the past two years since their activation of the engineered PLANDEMIC & CERN, by the opening the portal that leads to hell.

Are now paving the way, for the introduction of their Messiah, the end time Anti-Christ.

Just as Jesus pre-warned you, and gave you the heads up!

That this day would come in the near future, which just happens to be for today's times.

The end time Antichrist is currently already here, why do you think CERN opened the gates of hell for? Duhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

But the time and date of his introduction, has not come to full circle yet!

But sooner than later, it will materialize and become full reality.

I included a video of the Unholy Roman Catholic Church, featuring the current false prophet Pope Francis.

Who is addressing the world's elites, rich and famous, government leaders, and all worldly religion leaders as well.

When he stated by his own mouth, and spoke total blasphemy, lies, and disrespect towards the savior of all mankind.

When he said: "Jesus was a failure on the cross!"

Now that may be true to him, and the tyrant god of the old testament that he serves, and worships.

Who authorized the murder of Jesus, by the hands of the Roman Empire!

In all actuality, at the time of Jesus.

It was the Unholy Roman Catholic Church, who called the shots for the Roman empire.

So the TRUTH of the matter is, the Unholy Roman Catholic Church, is the one who authorized the death of Jesus the Christ!

By selecting to listen to the Jews to kill him, instead of listening to their own Roman government leader at the time who did not want to kill Jesus!

And it's the same Unholy Roman Catholic Church, that is mentioned in the Book of Revelations as the end time HARLOT!

Even the Jews in the time of Jesus, and the Jews of today will all tell you without a shadow of a doubt!

That Jesus was nothing more than a prophet, and that Jesus is not the son of their God!

But to those that know the TRUTH!

Who knows the real Divine Truth? That was hidden from mankind since the beginning?

Know that Jesus did not come in the name of Yahweh, the god of the old testament.

But came form another dimension, a higher spiritual realm, from a place called The Pleroma, the real name of the true heaven.

Jesus did not come representing the god of the old testament Yahweh, who's true name is Yaltaboath/Samuel.

Everybody by now should know this, but mankind has allowed the things of this world.

To corrupt themselves, for the lack of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding of the TRUTH!

China has already outlawed, material, speech, and literature, into anything that has to do with Jesus The Christ.

It's not just China, in some countries if you speak the word of Jesus, they will condemn you to death by chopping off your head!




The Jews, will introduce to the world their true Messiah, the true son of their god of the old testament Yahweh, Jehovah, Yah, Elohim, etc.

They will announce to the world that Jesus was nothing more than a prophet, a blasphemer who claimed he was the son of their god.

They will explain to the world why Jesus was executed, and all his apostles for spreading lies that he was the son of their God.

The Unholy Roman Catholic Church and all other world religions will verify, that the Messiah of the Jews is in fact the son of their God.

And this is how the Antichrist will come to be, and he will hold the same traits as his father of the old testament, but worse!

As Yahweh by his own mouth claimed, all sorts of sin when he said:

I am a vengeful god, I am a wrathful god, I am a jealous god, I am an angry god!

With those traits of the Father of Lies, just imagine how Junior the Antichrist is going to be!

New laws will be made, anything that has to do with Jesus The Christ.

Including but not limited to the New Testament will be outlawed, and eventually burned beyond recognition.

Those that are caught preaching the word of Jesus, will be executed!

Just like in the days of Noah, just like in the days of Jesus, Christians will once again be hunted down like dogs....

And the dog who created this imperfect world, who you all call God, will be the one who authorizes the death of all Christians.

Just like he ordered the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Let it be known, that the god of the old testament Yahweh.

Never ever claimed his love for mankind, he only expressed his love, and acceptance of his chosen people the Jews, who now rule the world!

END OF PROPHECY...........

Here is the real reason why Jesus was murdered on the cross!

First let's get the most vital information out of the way so everything makes sense!

Jesus is not the son of the god of the old testament, who is the god of the Jews.

Jesus did not come to save you from his own Father !!!

Jesus came with the Truth, who is your true Father in Heaven.

With the information that his Father Pistis/Faith is the True Loving Most High God.

And that Yahweh was an imposter, a demigod, and the devil in disguise.

No true loving God would create a world full of misery, pain, anguish, sickness, death, and suffering.

No true loving Father would subject or even allow, any of his children to live in such a hell you call earth.

Remember Jesus himself told you, that He was not of this world, and he stated the same for mankind.

You are not of this world, if you are human!!!!

This world was created by a tyrant imperfect demigod, who turned (200) righteous angels to fallen angels.

Yes, in the past I sent (200) of my best angles led by Samjiza and Azazel, to assist mankind, and to save mankind from the god of the old testament.

But to my amazement, and disbelief!

The god of the old testament Yahweh, turned and convinced my (200) angels to worship him instead of my Father the True Loving God.

Elohim, offered them beautiful women in exchange for their loyalty.

And is where in the old testament it says that the angels disrespected they're Divine laws and abode.

And transgressed and had sexual intercourse with human women that bore Giants who you know now as the nephilim.

As for Samjiza, Azazel, and the (200) angels that were under my command and jurisdiction.

They have there eternal punishments reserved for them, for they have already been tried and convicted.

But the one thing I took from each and everyone of them!

They're True Divinity, their Beauty, their Glory, they're Splendor, their Light of Life!!!

I turned off their Glorious Divine Light, and set the switch to darkness, and turned them all to ugly reptilian flying dragons.

And I cursed all their Giant children the nephilims.

Into the same darkness that their fathers before them have chosen, for they are the demons of today!

For they have chosen the things of this world, and they were given a world's reward.

This world cannot offer you anything good, for the person that created it is evil, and corrupted!

When you pray to the god of the old testament, whether you use his name or title God!

You will receive the devil's reward, because he is the devil!

But when you pray to Jesus, even though you don't know the True name of His Father or where He comes from!

Jesus is your mediator between you, and the Father in Heaven.

So all your prayers that you do to Jesus, make it to the Real Father in Heaven.

So please if you believe in Jesus, by all means pray to Jesus!

So you can receive the blessings of his TRUE FATHER PISTIS, translated into english FAITH!

And is the main reason, and only reason, and the Divine reason, why you walk by FAITH!!!!!

By continuing to pray to God, using the word God, after I told you, and revealed the TRUTH to you!!!

You will receive your just reward, for remember: "For many are called, but few are chosen."

Jesus also said: "For the last will be first, and the first will be last".

It's time to get with the program, and decide for yourself!

Who you want to continue to pray to?

God who is the true Dog, and creator of this hellish imperfect world.

Or Jesus, the True Son of The Holiest Father of all mankind.

Not just the Jews, But all of mankind that also includes the Jews , PISTIS/FAITH!

It doesn't get more simpler than that! Elohim or Jesus.

Now that you know the TRUTH, the ball is in your court, what are you going to do about it???

Archangel Michael
"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."

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