The Morning Brief on the Wisdom App - Flex Your Happiness - 07.26.22

1 year ago

TrulyYourVA with Janis “broadcasted” on Wisdom today sharing her Wisdom - The Morning Brief - Today’s Phrase: Flex Your Happiness - where do we go from here? Sometimes there are more questions than answers but I do know this - I may not know the exact path but I know the journey I am taking is the right one

I had the amazing opportunity to chat again with @darylledyard - Wisdom expert and Podcast Host of Deeper Planet. A former Radio Broadcaster, Daryl added so much more to this topic of conversation. I shared with Daryl and the other listeners that I am just researching how to monetize my podcasts. I also shared my hope with my podcast, Stories That Inspires Us, that I would love to start a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization for Traumatic Brain Injury research that also supports families going through a traumatic experience. Let me know what you thought of today’s chat on Wisdom - click the below link for my website and leave me a voice message:

A quick update on the (3) podcasts that I host as well as a new segment on Stories That Inspire Us entitled “The Author Series”. This new series is for any published author who wants to share their story. Please feel free to check out the “Stories” website and “register as a guest”. Look forward to hearing your “Author” story! Click the link below:

Let me know what you thought of today’s chat on Wisdom - How do you Flex Your Happiness? What types of personal development books should I add to my reading list? Let me know - I welcome your input!! Click the below link and leave me a voice message on my website:

As always, I love to share some of the “tools” I use to keep me organized and on task:

Anchor - my base platform for all of my podcasts.

Trello - to organize the flow of my podcasts.

Dropbox - to upload long audios.

PodPage - the host of all of the websites for my podcasts. (Disclaimer - Since I am an affiliate of PodPage (and yes, I love PodPage that much!), I receive a commission from you signing up under my link.) If you would like to sign up with PodPage, click my unique link:

I have been blessed to meet so many people through podcasting, literally from all over the world! As a further by-product of podcasting, I have been able to organically grow my Virtual Assistant business which now includes Podcast Manager services! If you are interested in chatting further about how to start a podcast, please feel free to book your free 30-minute consultation - click the below link:

If you would like to be a guest on my podcast, TrulyYourVA with Janis, please feel free to check out my website, and “register as a guest”:

These are the websites for my (2) other podcasts:

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