Bernie Sanders vs. Corporate Mainstream Media

4 years ago

After a poor Super Tuesday performance, Bernie Sanders and his supporters such as, Kyle Kylanski and Cenk Uygur are saying that a major reason WHY Bernie Sanders performed so far below expectations is because following the South Carolina primary Joe Biden received an unfair amount of positive media attention whereas Bernie Sanders received an unfair amount of negative media attention…

“There has not been a campaign, I think, that has had to deal with the kind of venom we are seeing from some in the corporate media. This campaign has been compared to the Coronavirus, we have been described as the Nazi army marching across France, etc, etc.” — Bernie Sanders

“[There was] millions of dollars of free advertising for Biden. You had endless positive media coverage post South Carolina. Every single story was like “Joe Biden, the comeback kid,” “Joe Biden, is he the frontrunner now?,” “Joe Biden isn’t this incredible,” “Joe Biden!,” “Isn’t Bernie dead now?” Isn’t Bernie too extreme? “Isn’t Biden the right answer? “Isn’t Biden more likely to beat Trump?” They kept piling it on. It was just endless!” — Kyle Kulinski

“[Bernie’s] got to create miracle after miracle after miracle to get past the mainstream media lies. It’s true! It’s true! But it is because he has to overcome the mountain of lies of the mainstream media.” — Cenk Uygur

But what’s so interesting is that these are the same people who say we need to, “Get money out of politics,” which is one of those throw away lines that sounds good at face value, but as soon as you sit down with a scotch and cigar you come to realize it’s impossible.

It’s impossible because as soon as you limit big money to political campaigns then guess what happens? Politicians have less control over their own funds to get out their message, which means they become even MORE dependent upon corporate media to get our their message.

So if Bernie Sanders got his way, big money donors would be forced to write smaller checks to political campaigns, which is no sweat off their backs because they’ll just write bigger checks to networks, organizations, publications, newspapers, and channels.

This means in a Bernie Sanders universe political power would shift from politicians to the owners of media.

And so long as corporate mainstream media acts as the gatekeeper to the White House then you can expect to see socialists kept off the entry list.

And so what conservatives and socialists have in common is that we want to reduce the influence of corporate media, but it’s impossible to reduce the influence of corporate media if we make them the only source billionaires can contribute an unlimited amount of money to.

Due to our 1st amendment, the U.S. government cannot limit contributions to the press, which means so long as the United States is the United States money will always be in politics in one form or another. I’d just prefer to see that money go transparently and directly into the pockets of a political campaign or an influencer’s Patreon account then to see it hidden away behind some massive multi-media conglomerate or political action committee who are less accountable to the truth.

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