Free Up Phone Storage... (Google Photos saves your videos & photos for free in high quality)

4 years ago

Why is my smartphone SO SLOW? Well, there is this rule for hard-drive space called the 80/20 rule. If you have a 100 GB smartphone you'll need to keep at least 20 GB of free space. Once you take too many photos, save too much music, install too many apps, or save too many 4K videos, yes, your phone fills up with data and functions poorly. This is a quick video of how to free up your phone's storage using Google Photos.

How do I free up space on phone for free?
Will Google Photos automatically backup my photos & videos? Yes, if you open the app daily.
How much does Google charge to backup the "high quality" version of my photos, screenshots, screen recordings, and videos off my smartphone? Google charge you $0.00 annually - it is free and has been since 2007.

How much does Google charge if I want to backup the original version of my photos, videos, screenshots, and screen-recordings? Well, that depends. As of filming this video it costs $1.99 per month for 100 GB of "Cloud Storage"

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