EVERYONE LOVES this portable sauna - Infrared Sauna Review - The Relax Sauna

4 years ago

Roberta - I feel really good. It’s a very good relaxation feeling in my muscles, in my foot, in my legs. It feels really good.

Phillip - What did you say when you first got in? You were telling your friend.

Roberta - To come in, it feels good.

Phillip - I’ll interview your friend now, too. Hi. How’ it feel?

Alexis - Very good. You’re relaxed. You’re warm. You’re getting all into the body, every body part that’s used. You know, like you’re tense. I am less tensed.

Phillip - And, you’ve only been in like five minutes. Did you expect it to feel this good?

Alexis - No, I didn’t. I thought I would just sit in and warm my body up. And, make me sweat.

Phillip - And, what’s the difference?

Alexis - The difference is it is relaxing. I feel the relaxing.

Phillip - How do your muscles feel?

Alexis - Very relaxed. That’s the one thing. It’s relaxing.

Phillip - Do you know it’s called The Relax Sauna?

Alexia - I know it now!

Phillip - So, you guys work in a medical clinic?

Alexis - Yes, a private practice.

Phillip - Do you have saunas there?

Alexis - No, we do not.

Phillip - I guess it’s time to get one there.

Alexia - Possibly. Maybe!

Phillip - I’ll see what else your friend says about how the sauna makes her feel. Do you feel health benefits?

Alexis - Yes.

Phillip - Great. Alright. You’ve been in for about eight minutes.

Roberta - I don’t want to leave. I like the way it feels.

Phillip - Great. Any last words about what the Relax sauna did for you in 7 minutes?

Alexia - It eased my body and it relaxed my muscles in order for me to keep moving and going today.

What is far infrared energy? https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

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