Get Ready To Leave, Rapture Dreams, Wedding To Jesus The Master, Coronavirus 726 337 522- Lift Off

4 years ago

On 2/25/2020 I woke up at 5:22 hearing "Master reconciliation." Jesus is the Master, and is coming to take His people in the pre-Tribulation rapture. If you don't know about the rapture or are not positive that you are ready, please watch this video. The Trinity is completely biblical, so don't believe false teachers. On March 1, I heard from the Lord for about thirty minutes, and He said, "Tell Keren I am at the door." He told her that I was right, and to tell me, "Get ready to leave." I include her dream from Israel about the believers changing into golden robes starting with the poor man first and being told "You're being called to participate in the Wedding of the Lamb." She was told the Coronavirus would not affect her. That morning I had heard the hymn Crown Him With Many Crowns, and I wrote new lyrics as the Holy Spirit led.

Crown Him the Lord of Love,
His promise never fails,
The Holy Spirit like a dove,
Our King Jesus unveils,
Coming in glory soon,
To take His bride away,
Majestic splendor, faithful Groom
Hope this our wedding day.

I have had several dreams, and I share them: Two rapture flying up dreams, red velvet dress dream, taking Lexie to the Christian school dream, and packing up the uniform dream.
2/25 was the anniversary of the Passion Of The Christ movie release.

Trinity link-

Sample left behind letter-
Get right with God- repentance and faith-

Search the Scriptures for "master"-

Saving Lives LLC prophetic words-

Christopher Jordan's rapture dream- told "I am coming soon!"

Friend and sister Beth's testimony about divorce and remarriage- John 17 Unity channel

Just found this Remarriage is Adultery video today from a young man whose parents are divorced and remarried. Please listen to this man's heart-

Strong's Concordance-
726 Greek- harpazo, caught up
522 Greek- to lift off
337 Greek- to take up, take away, make an end
33 Greek- "Come! Come now!"

Ends with Be Strong and Take Courage-

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