You Better Hear This About "Corona"

4 years ago

Our Sun, whether you believe it to be a "planet" a part of the solar system, or a radiant light and power source under The Dome provides sustenance known as photosynthesis. We rely on photons, packets of light and water to convert into oxygen through respiration with plants, trees, and life as we know it.

Mid 2019 into late 2020 a major cycle is ending leaving us with coronal ejections. This power source has been what we have known, diurnal cycles of light and dark, the rhythm that we are so familiar with and for many who MELANATED FOR A REASON!

Our power source is being replaced and we are being distracted with yet, another VIRUS! The people overall are panicked, afraid, fearful and it is changing us.

We are slowed, our reflexes, body temperature like the young man I talk about at the gym today with his red hands and his "circulation problems" that "run in his family." He can't hear me. Worse yet, they clown when they don't understand you?

People slopping down cheese, sugars, fast foods, dead animals, vaccines, are prone to respiratory illness and yet unaware that in 1971 Corona was a very basic respiratory issue with dogs.

I simply choose to not let this fool me as I have walked too far and seen far too much as a Guide for now 36 years!

Just wanted to share with you that while you are being distracted with fearmongering through the press, news, friend and family which is unfounded that this is yet, another VIRUS TO VACCINE PIPELINE, I made this statement up several years ago because it became patently obvious to me and I watched it with Zika and all the rest!

Big thank you to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Matthew for awarding me your MVI course! Loving it!

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