@Praise I AM Olive & Sparrow and the #Lies of #AnnihilatIonism @Standing For Truth

1 year ago

@Grahame Christian Gould 🤡🤡Neither Grahame or Kevin have pointed out the false teaching of #Annihilationism @Praise I AM & Olive & Sparrow + others, yet they presume to be #Bible_Teachers😈😈😈🤡
@Standing For Truth Does not refute them on this either. ‼️
Are they all #Frightened of contradicting each other, for fear of being rejected or ridiculed??!!
@kevin's Biblical discussions
@Nicholas, proclaimer of Messiah
@DrKennyRhodes UNofficial
@Dr. Michael S. Heiser
@Ancient Egypt and the Bible
@Jamie Russell-Christian Middle Earth

LinkTree https://linktr.ee/bootthedoor
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WordPress site : https://psalm118verse8kjv.co.uk/
Tip Jar : https://tpjr.us/tipjar7
RUMBLE : https://rumble.com/c/c-1464121
Odysee : https://tinyurl.com/2bnx2wk6

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