Need to Know News (25 July 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

1 year ago

WEF issues a directive that everyone has to give up their cars. Since they are driven only 4% of the time, we are supposed to not need them, when our cars represent mobility and freedom. This appears to be the last gasp of a dying attempt to seize control of the entirety of Planet Earth. No one is going to buy this! DOJ sabotaged Trump's efforts to declassify documents exposing the role of the FBI in Russiagate by acting corruptly in collusion with Hillary to frame Trump for working with Russia--but of course the DOJ doesn't want the public to know its own FBI was complicit. Democrats admit their bill is intended to grab out guns and confiscate them--but it ain't going to happen. Pat Buchanan reflects on Biden's tall tales of courage, which are getting the US into deeper and deeper commitments with foreign nations that we cannot sustain. Evidence emerges of the suppression of millions of votes for LePen. A Canadian company reports skyrocketing orders for kids' caskets because kids' deaths are skyrocketing. US media declines to cover Dutch farmers' protest lest it awaken the American people to the threat of food shortages and mass starvation. Lake Mead, our nation's largest reservoir, is on the verge of turning into a "dead pool".

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