Super Soldier Talk – Dr Delirious Mary Beaver – Crystal Skulls Codes

2 years ago

Original Upload Date: July 25, 2022

Today, Mary Beaver and Dr Johnny Delirious will be sharing their knowledge about the secret codes of the crystal skulls. Additionally, our guests will share some of their memories of their secret 20 year and back mission in which they interacted with each other in a laboratory like setting.

Mary Beaver served in the U.S. Army as a human intelligence analyst with cryptologic linguist abilities. She has the unique ability of real time memory or click coding intelligence which allows her to learn ancient languages such Phoenician. She has memories of being a super soldier, missions on space crafts, as well as living on Mars as a civilian. She recalls military briefings in which she trained young soldiers on how to kill Draco aliens. She also has memories of soldiers with thick metal masks and uniforms while she was in some med tube in order to salvage her body and to leave the rest of the soldiers behind. She recalls being referred to as one of Dr. Government Frankenstein’s monsters.

Her SSP records are heavily sealed by the government and even galactic space command is not forthcoming on information about her origins. She comes from a long line of Majestic Masons. Her grandfather served in WWII and infiltrated one of Hitlers strong bases which possibly contained alien technology. Forty years ago, her father worked in an underground facility below Area 51 which contained dark secrets resulting in him building a resistance movement against the government. It appears her father, was a victim of Mklutra delta programing, which activated, causing him to nearly killed Mary when she was a child. Mary has received claw marks, needle marks, bruises, and scars from malevolent beings who also seem to be targeting her children.

Mary’s contact email is:

In the early 1980's, Dr. Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers of the scientific modality, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). In the 1990’s Dr. Johnny did not know he had life threatening Hepatitis C with 12 million viral load and liver cirrhosis resulting in 96% scar tissue. Due to poor health, he had no choice but to sell his business and figure out a way to heal himself. His medical experts believed he had only 6 months left to live and recommended a liver transplant. Dr. Johnny chose not to get the transplant which led his doctors to believe he was delirious. Eventually, Dr. Johnny was able to completely recover thanks to the laboratory science knowledge he gained from his alien abduction experiences. Dr. Johnny is a Master Survivor, bestselling author and radio host celebrity and gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry.

Dr. Delirious Contact information is:,, Cell - 972 825 7912

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