Baby basil AND Dying peppers mystery...solved?

4 years ago

(If you are a cat fan, take a look at Fluffy and Hedgie chilling at the end of the video!) Lori Fiechter here with My Indiana Garden needs some help! The hot peppers came up great; Stan thinned them to one seedling per cell; and then the plants started shriveling up and really losing their grip on life. Not the same as burn tip from using fertilizer water or being too close to the grow lights. Stan thinks he figured it out as this happened to us once before:

Something was wrong with the potting soil. Fortunately, it was a small bag and we hadn't used it for the other seedlings--well, maybe for covering the seeds on top...hope that wasn't enough to hurt them.

Stan isn't giving up on the almost-dead ones; he repotted them today in different soil. As insurance, he went to the local Amish seed store and bought 6 more packets of hot pepper seeds of the same or similar varieties. We may not be as much ahead of the game as we thought!

On the positive side, my basil and onion seedlings look really healthy; the cilantro is also looking good now. I even took a nibble of it!

Here's to not giving up when the going gets disappointing! Gardening and bread baking are alike in that way; you learn from your mistakes. And mistakes are not only for beginners!

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