Hyper Promiscuous Men! Why some men Love to $h00t up multiple Clubs?

2 years ago

Why MEN are Promiscuous? Why some LOVE to $h00t up multiple clubs, with no regret? Why women choose to sleep with men with multiple baby mama's and still elect to have kids by them?
@Nick Cannon @Future @kevingatesTV @Kendra G @The Lead Attorney @Mediocre Tutorials and Reviews

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0:00 Intro Music
20:00 Too promiscuous, Too many kids
22:00 Hoes are the most present men around
25:00 F-boys are great salesmen
26:00 The more kids you have the less valuable you become
29:00 Value your seed
32:00 Iyanla Vanzant on the effect of a father with too many kids
37:00 Guest Speaker on the Stigma of how women view men without kids
40:00 Does Hip Hop culture influence male promiscuity
42:00 Why does a man having a child, become a pre-qualifier for woman
51:00 At your prime you were passed around and now you are back with your mother
52:00 What we drinking on tonight
56:00 One of Amarae's new favorites "Sin Santo & Sage"
59:00 WSHH Explain this ish clip Reaction
1:04:00 Jordan Peterson on male HO3ing
1:07:00 Has the feminist movement led to the irresponsibility of men?
1:11:00 Feminism made women more accessible to men
1:16:00 Low income men having so many babies
1:20:00 Technology has allowed more attempts with little consequence/investment
1:22:00 Why are young men not as Xesually active
1:31:00 Hygiene technology and the feminist movement allowed women to be more Promiscuous
1:39:00 Is the lack of male role models contribute?
1:51:00 Does ego play a role
1:57:00 Being deliberately reckless
2:03:00 Jordan Peterson on predictors of male promiscuity
2:10:00 The level of selfishness you have to have to be a High Value Man

For the Gentlemen that like to smell good on a budget.

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