2022 Unreal 425 to 426 migration of stargate fan project

2 years ago

Ya only a few issues that i can fix....dynamic lighting and a few shadows on meshes i can remove and bring back in

What this is doing is having the animated startgate with a bounding box that causes a tiny video to get shown on level load this means its Predone for next time you leave and go elsewhere and the bounding box about the gate means any character actor that enters that triggers the predetermined level.

All i need do now is create a widget and dhd so i can or the player can enter or change the location to travel too.

also small lil things like corner elevators and adding the Asgard style teleporter where the people are going in to get checked.

Oh and later the rail cares spline (in 425 ) was not working and appears to have replicated the issue , so the fix is to load the base in another project and compare or if needed import into this project to make work.

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