Bernie Sanders Has Already Won the Democratic Nomination

4 years ago

Bernie Sanders has already won the Democratic nomination.

Of course, as I stated the morning after Super Tuesday it’s GAME OVER, for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign, but the argument the New York Times made and the one I’m about to make is that his movement has in some ways won.

Throughout the Democratic primary I heard the mainstream media cover the race as if it was a battle between “the moderates” and “the progressives.”

But if elected, Joe Biden would be the most radical leftist president in American history. Period. Joe Biden only looks like a “moderate” compared to a socialist proposing...

Medicare-for-All: full government takeover of healthcare,

Jobs-for-All: guaranteed government jobs at $15 per hour plus benefits, which would wipe out small business owner’s ability to find workers; and

College-for-All, which includes cancelling all student loan debt: This means tuition free public universities and cancelling all student loan debt for some 45 million Americans who owe about $1.6 trillion and placing a cap on student loan interest rates going forward at 1.88 percent.

I know those proposals sound appealing when everyone is playing the game, “What would you do if you had unlimited money?”

The beauty of Bernie Sanders proposal’s astronomical price-tag is that it’s so high that it’s hard for anyone to wrap their hear around it, especially when you can get lost in the emotional vividness of a socialist utopia.

But to put into perspective how much 50 trillion dollars is consider that the federal government could write a $155,000 check to every American man, woman, and child. It’s Absurd! Consider that the top 1% of Americans own more wealth than the bottom 80% of Americans and they still only have 25 trillion dollars, i.e. half of what’s needed to cover the cost of Bernie Sanders proposals using the most optimistic numbers. Bernie Sanders might as well promise Millionaires-for-All because the dollar would be worthless at that point.

So it’s due to Bernie Sanders popularity and kooky proposals that he’s been able to drag the entire Democratic establishment to the far left with his soft government hands that have never had to work a real job in his life.

It’s because of him that 2016 Joe Biden looks like a Barry Goldwater conservative compared to 2020 Joe Biden.

For example, Joe Biden’s proposed tax increases are double what Hillary Clinton proposed in 2016. He’s declared that the so-called “Equality Act” would be his top legislative priority. He raised his hand when asked if he’d support extending health care benefits to illegal immigrants. He’s called for the expansion of Obamacare, which would include a public option — that would cost $750 billion. He’s proposed an additional $750 billion for education and $1.7 trillion for his climate plan, which I’d say double or triple those numbers because I’ve never heard of such a massive government program costing the same as projected.

And then in a last ditch effort to come back from the grave, Bernie Sanders has tried to claim that he was the moderate because a poll showed that 70% of Americans are in favor of everyone having medicare, which is a misleading poll because only 10% of registered voters want the equivalent of Medicare-for-All if it meant abolishing private health insurance.

Anyway, in all this discussion of increasing federal spending you know what’s missing?

ANY discussion of balancing the budget, states rights, or the national debt, which has never been in a worse state.

In previous elections Democratic candidates at least pretended like they cared about fiscal responsibility so that they wouldn’t be labelled a starry-eyed liberal.

But this time around they shot for the moon.

And now they're flying dangerously close to the sun.

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