Works BETTER than pain pills and gives your body ENERGY! - using an INFRARED SAUNA - The Relax Sauna

4 years ago

Bella's arm had been in pain so much she could not move it enough to wear a jacket. She felt quick relief after 2 sessions in the Relax Far Infrared Sauna. She was able to move her arm so it far surpassed her expectations.

Phillip - You got in the Relax Sauna this morning and this is your third time. And, when you first got in what did you expect?

Bella - I didn’t expect anything like this.

Phillip - You were in pain though right?

Bella - I was in pain, my right arm, since January I cannot wear a jacket. I cannot button my bra in the back. I cannot take it I could not sleep on it on my right side and also the first time I felt a little more relaxed. The second time, much better., I could lift my arm a little bit. Now I’m turning my hands to the right, to the back, my right hand.

Phillip - Right. Yeah. But you can’t do somersaults yet.

Bella - I can’t. So, it’s really, it’s amazing!

Phillip - And, you’ve been telling everyone.

Bella - My blood is circulating, My energy, I feel more energy. It’s a great product. We’re going to be buying it. I’m talking my doctor into it.

Phillip - And, it feels amazing.

Bella - It does.

Phillip. You’ve had this thing, now, for about two months

Bella - Since January. It’s been about three months.

Phillip - What have you done to relieve the pain? What has worked in the past.?

Bella - Ibuprophin, 3 or 4 pills a day for pain, mild exercise, massages. (she shakes her head to indicate nothing worked.)

Phillip - This worked better than them all?

Bella - Yes. In one day, I have had more relief than all this time and I haven’t taken any pills since, today.

Phillip - That’s good. So, you’re grateful?

Bella - Very grateful, Very grateful that I am here, I see this product and, hopefully, my doctor buys it.

Phillip - What do you know about far infrared ray before today? Did you know much?

Bella - I know about energy, vitamin D. I knew and I heard about it. Not much.

Philip - And, this was the first time that you experienced it?

Bella - Yes.

Philip - And, it was way more than you expected.

Della - Absolutely.

Phillip - Great. This is the Relax Sauna that you’re in. Tomorrow you can come in and do it three times and then you can do cartwheels.

Bella - Yes!

Read about the health benefits of far infrared energy here.

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