Julian Assange Global Protest in London - Share this video & break the Silence!

4 years ago

acTVism Munich recently traveled to London to document the protest that took place for Julian Assange and press freedom on the 22nd of February, 2020. Unfortunately the video has only attained circa 6000 views so far and is not gaining the traction on YouTube, Facebook & Twitter that we believe it deserves. No publisher that we contacted so far has published this video either. Below you will find the link to the video, we request all our viewers to share this link on all their social media channels so that we can reach 100,000 people worldwide! Link: https://youtu.be/rSzVjzy7bDs

To view more videos on this topics:
â–º "WeAreMillions" Campaign for Assange:
â–º Varoufakis Interview:
â–º Julian Assange "Stop Extradition Protest":
â–º Julian Assange - Public Rally Event:
â–º Interview with Assange's Father:
â–º Interview with Nils Melzer:
â–º Report on the 4th of February public rally for Assange:
â–º Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky, Jill Stein, Varoufakis, Horvat & Richter Respond: https://youtu.be/39IUOeQvaOw

â–º Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acTVism/
â–º Instagram: actv_munich
â–º Website: http://www.actvism.org/
â–º Twitter: https://twitter.com/acTVismMunich
â–º YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/acTVismMunich/

â–º PayPal: PayPal@acTVism.org
â–º Patreon: https://bit.ly/2xbLFIp
â–º Betterplace (Credit Card incl.): https://bit.ly/2O7iwci
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For our German viewers // Für unsere deutschen Zuschauer:
Für Community-Übersetzungen sind wir stets dankbar. Bitte schicken Sie die Übersetzung zur Korrektur an uns, nach der wir diese dann ins Video einpflegen werden. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis.

Citation of YouTube Thumbnail:
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Author: annejanethomas
Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/51103448@N06/4695911362/in/photostream/
Changes were made: Adding text, white screen, etc.

#julianassange #assange #wikileaks #freeassange

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