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The BM AG Project presents: 👫 "The Last of Us" | Episode 1️⃣: 20 Years ago

2 years ago

The BM AG Project presents: 👫 "The Last of Us" | Episode 1️⃣: 20 Years ago

Official ☆The BM AG Project☆ "Killing Floor", "Alien vs. Predator: Killing Floor (1)", "Killing Floor 2", "Floor of Dead", "Left 4 Dead 2", "Cyberpunk 2077" and "Hunt: Showdown" Community Group Rumble/YouTube Channel

Visit us on Steam: www.steamcommunity.com/groups/blackmesaag

Welcome to ☆The BM AG Project☆: "Sometimes the Scariest Things come from Within."

🖥️ Your High-Performance Gaming Servers with Frequent Updates 🆕

🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏼‍♂️ Your Pleasant Community to Share Your Experiences with ⏯️

👋 Your Meeting Point with Friends 🤝

🧟 Your Place to Play "Killing Floor"

👽 Your Place to Play "Alien vs. Predator Killing Floor (1)"

🧟‍♀️ Your Place to Play "Killing Floor 2"

⛓️ Your Place to Play "Cyberpunk"

🏹 Your Place to Play "Hunt: Showdown"

🧟 Your Place to Play "Left 4 Dead 2"

👺 Your Place to Play "Floor of Dead"

✈️ Your Place to Play Microsoft "Flight Simulator (2020)"

🕹️ And many more games!

🌐 www.steamcommunity.com/groups/blackmesaag
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/TheBMAGProjectOnRumble
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/TheBMAGProjectOnYT

🎙️ Intro and Texts Spoken + 🎮 Gameplay Footage Recorded + 📺 Video Created by:

▒ Kev ▒
🌐 www.youtube.com/KevsReviewsOnYT
🌐 www.rumble.com/KevsReviewsOnRumble

📑Licensed to all ☆BM AG☆ Core Team Members:
©opyright: Kev @ ☆The BM AG Project☆

🛠️ Technical 📷📺🎞️Media Creation Assistance by

▒ Maniek ▒
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/ManiekOnYT
🌐 www.youtube.com/channel/UCWfy6nN5TPHmW6VOJlTrVBw

🦸‍♂️☆The BM AG Project☆ Core Team Members:

▒ Gordon ▒
🌐 www.gordon-freeman.de

▒ Kev ▒
🌐 www.youtube.com/KevsReviewsOnYT
🌐 www.rumble.com/KevsReviewsOnRumble

▒ Arthur ▒
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/ManiekOnYT

▒ Conrad ▒
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/PaladynOnSteam

▒ Ákos ▒
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/AkosOnYT

▒ Ben ▒
🌐 www.youtube.com/teglahunt


🦸‍♂️In Touch with ☆The BM AG Project☆:

▒ The World of PC ▒
🌐 www.youtube.com/theworldofpc

▒ HeuZ ▒
🌐 www.youtube.com/heuzx


✅ Subscribe to ☆The BM AG Project☆ on 📺Rumble.com

🌐 www.rumble.com/c/c-1624183
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/thebmagprojectonrumble


✅ Subscribe to ☆The BM AG Project☆ on 📺YouTube.com

🌐 www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUy64TjswQ5FNUQBgsGdQA
🌐 www.tinyurl.com/TheBMAGProjectOnYT


✅ Join ☆The BM AG Project☆ on 🕹️SteamCommunity.com

🌐 www.steamcommunity.com/groups/blackmesaag


🧟‍♂️💀"The BlackMesa AG Slaughterhouse"👻🤖
Killing Floor 1️⃣

👽👾"BlackMesa AG Alien vs. Predator"🛸🐙
Killing Floor 1️⃣

🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️"BlackMesa AG Alpha"🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️
Killing Floor 2️⃣

🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️"BlackMesa AG L4D2_Alpha"🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️
Left 4 Dead 2️⃣

👹💀"BlackMesaAG Floor of Dead v19.0.1"🐙👻
Floor of Dead XIX

🗨️ "Sometimes the scariest things come from within."

🎞️ "Alien" by Sir Ridley Scott

🌐 www.imdb.com/title/tt0078748

► "The Last of Us" is developed by / Credits:

Naughty Dog, LLC (formerly JAM Software, Inc.)

🌐 www.naughtydog.com

► "The Last of Us" is published by / Credits:

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) LLC

🌐 sie.com/en/index.html

► "The Last of Us" @ ☆The BM AG Project☆ is powered by / Credits:

"RPCS3" by The RPCS3 Team

🌐 rpcs3.net


✅ In Compliance with the Own ☆The BM AG Project☆ ⚖️Terms and 📑Conditions regarding General Public 📷📺🎞️Media Uploads
♪♫ With General Permission / Music @ ☆The BM AG Project☆:

"Gentle Piano" by Alex-Productions: 🌐 https://youtu.be/W1RUAlMoaa8
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


✅ In Compliance with the Own ☆The BM AG Project☆ ⚖️Terms and 📑Conditions regarding General Public 📷📺🎞️Media Uploads
🎬 With General Permission / Intro Video Sequence

Video by "cottonbro": 🌐 www.pexels.com/video/bloody-hand-on-window-close-up-5427780

🌐 www.pexels.com/@cottonbro


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