Holistic Vegan Live Food Nutrition to Support Spiritual Life - Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), DD

2 years ago

Holistic Vegan Live Food Nutrition to Support Spiritual Life - Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), DD

Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), DD
• Book - There Is a Cure for Diabetes, Revised Edition: The 21-Day+ Holistic Recovery Program

#GabrielCousens #Diabetes #Type2Diabetes #SpiritualHealth

00:11:46 We Have A Very Long History Of A Live, Vegan Approach To Health
00:23:11 When People Ate A Live Food Vegan Diet, There Was A 400% Decrease In Depression 00:39:40 Cooked Food Over Activates And Exhausts The Immune System
00:52:04 People On A Vegan Diet Had 32% Less Heart Disease
01:03:00 The Deficiencies Of Vegans And Meat Eaters Alike
01:13:56 The Top Ten Sources Of Veggie Protein
01:30:18 Live Food Helps Us Become Super Conductors Of The Divine
01:39:59 How Can A Vegan Be Satiated If They're Not Adding Fats?

Gabriel Cousens is the author of internationally acclaimed books and the founder of the Tree of Life Foundation (WEBSITE: TreeOfLifeFoundation.org). His vision is to create sustainable healthy living for individuals and the planet. Providing people with a direct experience to live a quality of life that is healing both to themselves and to the planet on every single level from agricultural interests of our society to personal health, emotional health, and spiritual health.
Dr Cousens is Known worldwide as a spiritual teacher and the leading expert in live, plant-source nutrition, Dr. Cousens functions as a holistic physician, psychiatrist, family therapist, and cutting-edge researcher on healing diabetes naturally.
He holds an M.D. from Columbia Medical School, a doctorate in homeopathy, and diplomas in Ayurveda, clinical acupuncture, and holistic medicine.
His multicultural background as an ordained rabbi, an acknowledged yogi, and a four-year Native American Sundancer, adds insight to his “whole-person enlightenment” teachings. Dr. Cousens is the founder and director of the Tree of Life Foundation.
He is the author of many books, Including these recent books:
There is a Cure for Diabetes, Revised Edition: The 21-Day+ Holistic Recovery Program - This book offers an innovative approach to the prevention and healing of what Dr Cousens calls chronic diabetes degenerative syndrome. A leading medical authority in the world of live-food nutrition, Dr. Cousens exposes the dangers of excess glucose and fructose as the key causes of this seemingly unstoppable epidemic that affects more than 25 million Americans and 347 million people worldwide. The program renders insulin and related medicines unnecessary within 4 days as the blood sugar drops to normal levels, and the diabetic shifts into a nondiabetic physiology within 2 weeks.
Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children is a great resource for parents seeking advice on optimal vegan nutrition and the importance of unplugging and having quiet time in nature for today's children. Anchored by extensive research on the importance of diet and environment by the world's leading authority on spiritual nutrition, the book is packed with advice and information to help you
• choose authentic, organic, vegan food for optimal health;
• support your child's emotional, social, and mental development;
• counter the effects of environmental toxins and harmful media;
• and create a nurturing environment for your child's spiritual growth.

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