Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (24 July 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney

2 years ago

An Illinois High School has implemented "equity based" grading, which means raising the grades of Black students (even if they haven't earned them) and lowering those of Asians, Hispanics, and Whites, even if they have. And Kalamazoo has decriminalized defecating and urination on public land in the name of "equity and justice", which is about as absurd as it gets. This is what the Democrats want for all of our schools, cities, and towns. So if that's what you want, then vote Democrat! Vax data out of the UK show that the unvaccinated have a low death rate but the vaxxed a high and growing, where the more you are vaxxed, the more likely you are to die as the outcome. 94% of all COVID-related deaths have been among the vaccinated and 90% of those among the triple/quadruple jabbed. So if you have a suicide wish, just get jabbed multiple times and that should do the trick! Plus the sale of children's sized caskets has soared in Canada, suggesting something is terribly wrong. (I wonder what that could be?) A Canadian lets loose with a lot of f-bombs in expressing his views about what's going on, so if you are f-bomb phobic, you might want to cover your ears. Dr. Birx admits that she and Fauci "just made up" the lockdown rules and social distancing requirements, which had no objective or scientific foundation whatsoever but led to calamitous outcomes for American life and were catastrophic for the economy. Fauci and other Biden officials are being subject to subpoenas to discover their relations to the social media with respect to censorship and penalties for challenging their narrative about COVID and the vax--which many of us think is "about time!" WHO admits the Monkeypox scare is based on clinical trials to determine vaccine efficacy, where the head of WHO does not even possess a medical degree. Lake Mead is being drained to bring about massive droughts and water shortages throughout the area. And the WEF wants to take away our cars. Good luck with that!

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