4 years ago

Sharing a delicious slow cooker, chicken stew. A real throwback to my childhood when my mom would make something very similar in the oven. You can make substitutions, changes, additions or deletions to my suggested base and create a delicious, nutritious meal for your family that will last more than one day. Leftovers freeze well and can also be used for lunches the next day or even dinner the next night, if you don't mind eating the same thing more than one day in a row. This is my way of helping a time that can be confusing and unsettling. I may not have all the answers, but I can help you make something soothing, comforting and delicious for your family. I hope you enjoy!

Today is the beginning of a focus for the next little while on shelf cooking, or pantry pull cooking. Using what you have, stocking what you need and cooking delicious meals for your family in this time of uncertainty. My hope is that I am going to be helpful to all people. Everyone from the seasoned cook with a well stocked home, to the living on a shoestring single parent who is fearful they won't be able to feed their children. We must all come together and do our part. This is what I can do. You can start by not worrying, not stressing, not freaking out because we have zero control here. All we can control is ourselves and our behavior. With that in mind, I am moving forward with this idea.

This stew is reminiscent of a chicken cacciatore or Italian hunter's stew. I am using ingredients that I have on hand to make a wonderful, warming meal on a cool, wet and rainy day. It all starts with chicken. I am using boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but you should use what you have on hand. Thighs, legs, whole cut up chicken or bone in chicken works here as well. I am adding stewed tomatoes, but diced, whole or crushed work here as well or in a pinch some pasta sauce or even tomato juice will work. Add in some veggies to bulk up that goodness. I am using mushrooms, red skin potatoes, onion, garlic and the ends of some sweet bell peppers that were hanging around. I am also adding a bag of frozen green beans. If you don't like those veggies, add what you do like! Carrots, zucchini, cabbage, all work here. There are no wrong answers.

Season this up with a bit of Italian seasoning, basil and a bay leaf, I also added a bit of salt and pepper when I added some extra chicken stock and vegetable juice two hours into the cooking. This just gets set in the slow cooker on high for six to eight hours or until the chicken is tender, the potatoes are no longer hard and the rest of the veggies are done.

This brothy stew or "stoup" is the perfect meal for the cold day we had here today. This first day of suggested self quarantine and "social distancing" due to prevention of virus spreading. Nothing is better to quell your nerves than a good meal, shared with people you love. It really bolsters what is important. While the world may be in an upheaval and we have no control over that, remember, you have total control of your world, your family and yourself, especially your behavior and your reactions and emotions. Keep them in check, give them and yourself grace and keep on, keeping on. This too shall pass. Brighter days are ahead.

To those who are facing a struggle, due to layoffs, shut downs or cut backs, please check with your local school district. In my area they announced drive through lunch pick up for students who qualified for the free lunch program. At least this will help some to get what they need. I know it can be hard, but we all have to work together. As the old adage goes, we may not have it all together, but together we have it all. When it all seems too much, simply quiet yourself and pray.

I hope that this recipe will find its way to your table. I hope you try this chicken stew and I hope you love it. I hope that you and yours are happy, healthy and well and I hope that we are all seen through this trouble sooner, rather than later. Keep a good attitude, its worth more than you can imagine!

Happy Eating!

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