It Is Well

1 year ago

Let Be - Be Still And Know He Is God. He Is Our Peace. Is it well with your soul? Do you have peace in these chaotic cultural times? Jesus, just the mention of His name and there is peace. Jesus is our Prince of Peace; He is the quiet for the anxiety in our soul. There was a time when He said: Peace Be Still and the storm stopped. We believe in Him, the Savior of our soul, the Way-Maker of our future, our hope in the darkness of these times. Heart To Heart, I do hope for us peace as we let the truth of God’s Word soul saturate us, as we know that this is not all there is, as we realize the reality of truth that we have an incredible future where there is no deception, there is no hate, there is no sin and there is no deceiver. Jesus Christ is the way to that future, and we seek to know Him, we accept Him in our heart. Salvation is here with us, for us as an Advocate of peace in times where civility is allusive. The best thing about salvation in Jesus Christ, is that we step out in our lives with Him, with His peace, and every moment to every choice, He is with us, He is equipping us with everything we need. Jesus, He is for us. We are never alone, we are never forsaken, we always have an Advocate. This is our peace, this truth that never changes. Whatever comes our way today, we open our heart wide to God, and He will fill it with His peace and it will be well with our soul. God bless you and yours with His peace. Dig Deeper:

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