4 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches on 03-14-2020.


Verses: Ephesians 2; Acts 15:14-24, 21:18-26; 1st Corinthians 15:41-58; Numbers 19



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VERSES 11 & 12 “But Christ being come a high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”

The eleventh and twelfth verses lay the ground work of the subjects and the 13th through the end of the chapter the 28th verse, expand on them.
1) Jesus had become the High Priest, Christ; the Anointed One, not by the pouring over His head of the holy oil of the Mosaic Tabernacle, but by being submerged in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and that without measure. (Leviticus 8:12, John 3:34)
2) A High Priest of good things to come in contrast to high priest of those blessings in the present time and of an earthly type; those good things of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. This High Priest ministers on behalf of those who are to receive the fullness of Salvation through faith in Him, in the heavenly realm in the future Millennial Kingdom and beyond.
3) Jesus passed through the heavens (typed by the holy place) into Heaven (the holiest place) into the far superior Tabernacle, into the Holy presence of the Father. This is typed by the high priest who once a year passed through the holy place to the holiest place in the earthly Tabernacle. (Leviticus 16:17)
4) And in that it was the law to enter in to that Holy Presence alone, and only by the means of blood, so He entered alone, and remains alone while in the Holiest place, not with the blood of animals, but by the means and merit of His own far superior Blood.
5) And He has went in ONCE (as opposed to many times of the high priest of the earthly tabernacle) and for ALL (not just for the Jews, but for all mankind). In the superiority of His own Blood, He is the acceptable Sacrifice, and in His presentation of that Blood, He is the High Priest. In this entrance and means over 2000 years ago into the Heavenly Holy of Holies, He obtained eternal redemption for our souls. (Leviticus 17:11)

VERSES 13 & 14 “For if the blood of bulls and of goats, (a reference to Leviticus 16) and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, (a reference to the Red Heifer of Numbers 19) sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through (no article the) eternal (no article the) spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? So the effects of the two different offerings, are compared. The argument hinges, for us, on the assumption of the validity of certain power granted in the offering of blood of bulls and goats, and the ashes of a heifer had a real effective power to cleanse or purify the flesh/the “outer” man (that is to say the sensual body and carnal soul) that he might be thereby made fit then to draw nearer God. That is to say, nearer to His Presence which was then on the Earth. This given, then how much more does the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanse the Inward Man (the subservient soul with renewed mind) made so through the conscience/spirit? The one blood has to do with cleansing and purifying the flesh unto more dead works of service under the Law… as the carnal soul remains unaffected. While the other Blood affords the power to reach beyond the outer man to the purging and empowering of the inward man through the conscience within the spirit unto true service in living works unto a living God. The desired result of God, in the first and in the 2nd case, is nearness, closeness, intimacy unto unity, sonship. To go from people of God to sons of God. In the comparison, both applications must bring eternal life with rebirth of spirit, but what is being declared by Paul is that the blood of animals could not bring the Power of the Holy Spirit to bear upon the soul through yielded conscience.

THE MILLENNIAL EFFECT of the blood sacrifices….
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