After the rapture happens the 7 year tribulation begins

1 year ago

After the rapture happens it will be hell on earth!! Planes are falling out of the sky and everyone on board dies, trains keep going so very fast and crashes and kills everyone on board, America is attacked by Russia, china, Iran and north Korea all at the same time, a huge earthquake hits California, Oregon and Washington and no one escapes at all, volcanoes erupt, a huge tsnsumi slams into the east coast and everyone drowns, people are screaming my baby where is my baby!! People are running around, left behind church members demand the so called pastors where their loved ones are!; Tell us pastor where are they!! They are gone and we are still here! Why did you not tell us to get ready for Jesus why!! Banks all close and the rich people will loose it because all their money, wealth and mansions are now gone and many will kill themselves, Martial law will be put in place everywhere and the news will say aliens have taken people!! There will be murders everywhere, people will steal everything in stores and purses and everything they see, wars will break out everywhere, the antichrist will then sit down in the third temple in Jerusalem and say I am the Messiah!! Bow down and worship me! Get my vaccine mark of the beast and worship me, he will destroy all the churches and bibles because there will be one world religion and he will say give up your beliefs and religion there is one world religion and we must give up our differences and brace each other and one world religion and one world government, it will be the worst nightmare you have ever seen and the worst parts will come called the great tribulation and when God pours out His tribulation judgements on the entire world!! But after the rapture happens everyone will go in huge panic that no one has ever seen before!! Thousands of people are just gone! A mother goes to check on her baby and the baby is just gone, a husband goes to kiss his wife and she is gone, people and at a church when members who followed Jesus are gone and the rest of the church members and pastors are left behind, you are on a plane when the pilots who were believers are just gone! Parents drop their kids off at school when the kids and teachers who were believers are just gone!! Thousands of born again Christians will be gone! Graves of true believers will just open up and they will all rise to meet Jesus in the air, Jesus is coming if you want Him to or not!! The rapture will happen and people will be left behind!! It will happen

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