"Standing at the Crossroads", (Jeremiah 6:1-30), 2022-07-24, Longbranch Community Church

1 year ago

Many.., many centuries before Robert Frost penned his preeminently stellar piece: “The Road Not Taken” (which is outstanding btw), the prophet Jeremiah, under the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit wrote this: Thus says the Lord, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; And you will find rest for your souls.” (Jer 6:16a,b)

Given the complexities of modern day life, and the watered down spirituality many western churches currently profess, Pastor John’s message today could not possibly have come in a more timely manner. John’s sermon pays homage to both Frost and Jeremiah; with the obvious emphasis on the simple biblical wisdom and truths contained in Jeremiah Chapter 6: 1-30.

*Today’s message begins at the 21 minute / 35 second mark; …and it is outstanding!

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