Social Media's New Protected Class Now That Reddit Bans "Groomer" as a LGBTQ Slur | Ok, Groomers

2 years ago

Earlier in July, Reddit, the bastion of great ideas, banned the term "groomer" as an anti-LGBTQ slur. What does that say via implication, you can make your own judgements. But it's going to be a trickle down effect a la banning the r/TheDonald forum presaged President Trump's massive deplatforming. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all the other platforms have been put on notice now that Media Matters is on the case. Glad to see game recognizing game here with those two groups publically intersecting.

Tiktok has been warned as well, but the CCP doesn't answer to anyone. They are much more concerned with indoctrinating the youth and will throw caution to the wind. Take the account of an active inmate Miriah Vanlith, who is in the joint for two counts of Child Rape, alongside other crimes that were dismissed involving other underage boys, who is recruiting young people to become her pen pal in jail. She's in jail, posting on Tiktok, targeting a decidedly young audience... China isn't going to win, they have won.

Media Matters:
The Post Millennial:
The Chronicle:,10411

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#Reddit #Predditor #Groomer

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