8/8 Lions Gate Divine Feminine 5D Influx #lionsgateportal #divinefeminine #divinemasculine

1 year ago

Hello and Welcome!

This is my first Cosmic Energetic Report with the energies of 8/8 2022.

In this video I briefly discuss:

🌸 The link between 8/8 Lions Gate and the upcoming Equinox
🌸Collapse of Egoic Spirituality
🌸Cause and Effect ramping up
🌸Higher Influx of higher cosmic expressions of Masculine and Feminine
🌸What cosmos asks us as more of these energies open up for us here
🌸and the beginning of a very beautiful delicate bloom of The Divine Feminine in our opening higher dimensions upon The Earth !

Here is the link to the very basic and user friendly PDF guidance report to work with this gateway: https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1253332386/love-b-88-fertility-gateway-transmission?click_key=62b934aad123e3e002737fcb80d3fe70e1f3bd4b%3A1253332386&click_sum=f1445c7d&ref=shop_home_active_5

Follow my instagram to keep up to date with healing services and where I will be situated : https://www.instagram.com/love_bee44/

Support my work :https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/loveb44

Music by RomanBelov from Pixabay

Cherry Blossom Image by Tatiana Rodriguez https://unsplash.com/@tata186

Love and Support for your cosmos journey,

B x

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